jun-13-june_healthy_living-calendar-1920x1200Today I felt like crap physically so I didn’t do anything.

I didn’t do anything today and that made me feel like crap.

Actually, I don’t know which came first, but…

tomorrow I shall do better.

Join me.



And even if you aren’t sweet enough, chill out with the sugar.

I have been a sugar addict, I have gone through withdrawal.

I gave it up for a month.

I really felt like a junkie. It was sad.

I thought I had enough self-control and will power to start eating a bit after my 30 day fast.

I was wrong.

I am now weaning myself again off of it.

You may not think you’re hooked on sugar or that you eat that much of it.

I challenge you.

Go 30 days without and see if and how it effects you.

Forget 30 days, try a week.
