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Black History Month

Black History Month 2013Carter_G_Woodson_portrait 87 years ago this historian and author, Carter G. Woodson and the ASALH decided that the week that both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were born, the second week of February would be “Negro History Week”.

The goal of the week was to remember and commemorate African-Americans who have changed the world.

37 years ago the week was expanded to a month of celebration.

The month is a great time to reflect on those who had a rough road, endured unfair times and conditions, and persevered, or died trying.

Luckily, many of us don’t have to lay down our lives in the fight for equality any more, but let us remember all those who did and have.

We live in a very diverse country and world.

Choose to look beyond differences and allow yourself to see a person or group of people for who they really are.


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